[linux-audio-dev] XAP spec - early scribbles

Mike Rawes mike_rawes at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Mar 1 14:01:02 UTC 2003

On Sat, 1 Mar 2003 19:20:49 +0100
David Olofson <david at olofson.net> wrote:

> On Saturday 01 March 2003 17.12, Simon Jenkins wrote:
> [...]
> > >then these components must be built of other components...
> > >i dont see a reason why one wants a big complex component
> > >if it could be built from smaller components...
> > >(other than performace)
> >
> > Absolutely they must be built out of other components. The question
> > is: who does the building? I'm saying that the plugin designer
> > should be able to present a complex "plugin" which is actually a
> > ready-connected graph of simpler components. The alternative is for
> > the plugin designer to present a "bag of bits" for the user to
> > connect together.
> If we do this on the right level, we can have both. We definitely 
> should have a standard graph description (and preset) file format 
> anyway, and all we need is a way for plugin authors to provide useful 
> subgraphs with their plugins.

I agree that this would be the way to go - a standard patch format would
allow sharing of such metaplugins. And a unique ID could be generated
from an MD5 of the patch file, if this was needed.

The host could wrap both 'atomic' (dll) plugins and patches so the user
would not need to know that a particular 'Plugin' was actually a patch.

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