[linux-audio-dev] Linux soundapps pages updated

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net
Mon Apr 12 14:35:57 UTC 2004

Hi Richard:

  My day is rapidly turning out differently than I planned...

  I've added a further clarifying comment after the article. I've also 
decided that after next month's report on Karlsruhe, perhaps I'll do my 
own comparisons and see just where Linux music notation software stands 
in relation to its Win/Mac counterparts. That should be interesting...

Best regards


Richard Bown wrote:

>On Monday 12 April 2004 13:52, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
>>Yes.  Now that people see that being real rude pays off, you may
>>expect similar suggestions for Rosegarden and Noteedit too ;-) Just
>>kidding, but I guess these two programs come off a bit cheap too (and
>>they hav lilypond output...)
>I'm saying nothing....
>Ok you twisted my arm - I did notice too that on your linuxjournal article:
>there's the sentence "Regarding music notation software, Linux has nothing 
>like Finale, although the combination of NoteEdit with LilyPond has great 
>potential".  I forwarded this to the rg-devel list with a bit of a "Harumph".
>BTW Dave, the list of Sequencer Plus features looks good.  I'll hang on to 
>those although I've got to say it's probably time you had a look at RG again 
>too!  But then of course I would say that.

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