[linux-audio-dev] Re: linuxaudio.org
m at iriXx.org
Sun Jan 18 02:22:26 UTC 2004
> It should become another LAD event where the linux audio developers
> present their work(such as ZKM LAD conference, LinuxTag LAD booth).
> comments?
> Marek
there are people /other/ than linux audio developers who will be on the
stand at Sounds Expo. its not just an audio development forum.
> I propose the following - on sounds expo we should promote LAD and
> oss, linux audio projects such as:
> (in no particular order)
> *Ardour *ALSA *Jack *JAMin *LADSPA+swh-plugins *LinuxSampler
> *Lilypond etc
> Linux audio distros such as AGNULA, dyne:bolic etc
i believe Daniel is planning the event....
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