[linux-audio-dev] Polyphony in AlsaModularSynth

Matthias Nagorni mana at suse.de
Mon Jan 19 10:07:35 UTC 2004


just taken out of the modular synth thread:

Indeed, I could reproduce the problem concerning missing notes in ams 
polyphonic mode. I use ams as a monosynth most of the time, therefore 
I overlooked it. The algorithm I implemented checks for the weakest note 
(in terms of envelope amplitude) to allocate a new voice if all voices are 

I'll try to fix this ASAP and let you know.


Dr. Matthias Nagorni
SuSE Linux AG
Maxfeldstr. 5             phone: +49 911 74053375
D - 90409 Nuernberg       fax  : +49 911 74053483

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