[linux-audio-dev] Re: Lionstracs.

David Olofson david at olofson.net
Wed Jan 21 10:08:49 UTC 2004

On Wednesday 21 January 2004 00.30, Kai Vehmanen wrote:
> I'm pretty confident that I will be able to run the audio sw setup
> I'm using now on modern hw in the future, too. All it takes is to
> someone to port Linux to the new hw, and keep the apps I use
> up-to-date. Both are tasks that I can (in the worst-case) do
> myself, or pay someone to do.


Meanwhile, some of the Borland-only stuff that old DOS software uses, 
I'd have to reimplement from scratch to port, as there's no source 
available. :-/ I actually tried to port it to DJGPP, but gave up, 
since it wasn't worth the effort.

(There are other reasons to rewrite that software, so the motivation 
to port it weren't *that* strong. That might change soon though, as 
the old h/w design can no longer be built due to out-of-production 
silicon without sufficiently compatible replacements, and the new s/w 
is not yet ready for use...)

> Now as for the stuff I've recorded with Win95/98 audio apps, to
> access them from a modern PC, I need to buy new license for
> W2000/XP, and licenses for the W2000/XP compatible versions of the
> audio software I've used. And if the companies go out of business,
> I might have to resort to reverse-engineering their session-formats
> to get access to my old recordings. This can be significantly more
> difficult (and costly if I pay someone else to do it) than keeping
> my Linux audio setup running.

Yes... That's the kind of stuff that makes me nervous when using 
closed source tools for anything. What will happen with my files down 
the road?

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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