[linux-audio-dev] Re: linuxaudio.org

Dave Robillard drobilla at connect.carleton.ca
Wed Jan 21 18:31:20 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 12:45, Andrea Glorioso wrote:
> <ironic>
> I  don't know if  it's  a good or bad  habit,  but one thing is  sure:
> neither Daniel nor  the rest of  the Consortium ever  told me to close
> the list and keep the archives private so that we could proceed in our
> secret project  to overthrow the sacred   Linux Audio Developers Guild
> [0] and put them into the rapacious hands of Microsoft (of course, all
> members of the Consortium are secretly paid by Microsoft).
> </ironic>

?  Grow up.  I mentioned a concern about the list being closed and all
of a sudden I'm being flamed and made fun of?  (The first thing I ever
said in this discussion I might add)

Maybe if you're trying to 'represent' people you should adopt a
mannerism not characteristic of 14-year-old script kiddies.

The list was closed, it shouldn't have been closed, now it isn't,
problem over.  Besides, if you have such a problem with openness maybe
you shouldn't be trying to represent a community founded upon it.

(For the record, I didn't used to think linuxaudio.org was a bad idea at
all.  Now I'm not so sure.)


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