[linux-audio-dev] +momentary, consolidated (ladspa.h.diff)
Jesse Chappell
jesse at essej.net
Mon Mar 8 22:09:21 UTC 2004
Tim Goetze wrote on Mon, 08-Mar-2004:
> [Taybin Rutkin]
> >How should a host deal with a port that is MOMENTARY, but not
> >TOGGLED? What would the UI be?
> a pushbutton emitting the default value for the port is a possibility.
> another is a pushbutton and a slider/knob for setting the value to be
> transmitted when pushed. yet another is a sensitive peak meter-like
> object transmitting the amplitude at which the user clicked the
> object.
Also, to take an example from sooperlooper, its multicontrol port
would be a MOMENTARY and ENUMERATED port. An ideal UI in its case would
likely be a bunch of buttons, one for each enumeration.... but
a generic host might make it a combobox and single button.
I believe Taybin's concern is what would a generic host be
expected to do? A very good question, but whichever host comes
up with the best answer wins :)
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