[linux-audio-dev] Sequencer cursor

Dave Phillips dlphilp at bright.net
Mon Oct 25 15:54:31 UTC 2004

Hi Chris:

  I must emphasize that my working methods are likely to be far less 
common that the use of mouse + MIDI keyboard. MusE and RG are excellent 
applications, and I'm just an old dog who is recalcitrant about learning 
new tricks (at least re: MIDI sequencing).   Ten years of using one 
sequencer will do that to ya...  ;-)

Best regards,


Chris Cannam wrote:

>On Monday 25 Oct 2004 16:26, Dave Phillips wrote:
>>  The use of the computer keyboard in Sequencer Plus is the main
>>reason I keep using it. MusE, RG, and the crop of Windoze MIDI
>>sequencers are all very nice, but they all presume that my working
>>method will be mouse & MIDI-keyboard centric.
>I won't deny that Rosegarden is mouse-centric, but it does allow you to 
>type notes from the PC keyboard in different octaves and any available 
>durations, and select, transpose, cut, copy, paste and delete them etc, 
>without using the mouse or a MIDI keyboard.
>You can't currently do much at the segment editing level from the 
>keyboard though.

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