[linux-audio-dev] Trying to get midi input using OSS

Jens M Andreasen jens.andreasen at chello.se
Sun Feb 6 06:31:45 UTC 2005

Your program is testing for
   if (inpacket[0] == SEQ_MIDIPUTC)

.. which will never happen on the raw device.

Try this instead.

#include <sys/soundcard.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define  MIDI_DEVICE  "/dev/midi"

int main(void) {
   unsigned char input;

   // first open the midi device for reading.
   int seqfd = open(MIDI_DEVICE, O_RDONLY);
   if (seqfd == -1) {
      printf("Error: cannot open %s\n", MIDI_DEVICE);

   // now just wait around for MIDI bytes to arrive
   while (1) {
      read(seqfd, &input,1);
      // print the MIDI byte
      if(input & 0x0080)
	printf("\nreceived MIDI status: %d\n",input );
	printf("received MIDI data  : %d\n",input );
   return 0;


  c[]  //  Jens M Andreasen

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