[linux-audio-dev] SooperLooper 1.0.0beta28 released

Jesse Chappell jesse at essej.net
Thu Feb 17 06:04:26 UTC 2005

I know some word of mouth has already gone around about the new 
SooperLooper, but I might as well make a public announcement 
about it sometime.  That time is now.


SooperLooper is a live looping sampler capable of immediate loop
recording, overdubbing, multiplying, reversing and more.  It
allows for multiple simultaneous multi-channel loops limited only
by your computer's available memory.  The feature-set and
operation was inspired by the impressive Gibson Echoplex Digital
Pro (EDP).  When used with a low-latency audio configuration it
is capable of truly realtime live performance looping.

SooperLooper is currently supported on Linux/Unix and OS X
platforms that support JACK (http://jackit.sf.net).

The application is a standalone JACK client with an engine
controllable via OSC and MIDI.  It also includes a GUI which
communicates with the engine via OSC (even over a network) for
user-friendly control on a desktop.  However, this kind of live
performance looping tool is most effectively used via hardware
(midi footpedals, etc) and the engine can be run standalone on a
computer without a monitor.  A few sample MIDI binding presets
are supplied, including a basic EDP Loop IV binding.

Future plans include possible DSSI, VST or AU plugin versions
for all appropriate platforms, with some reduction in flexibility
from the JACK version.

You might compare it to the recently released FreeWheeling, which 
is an excellent tool when looping with lots of multiple 
simultaneous loops.  SooperLooper is more suited for 
detailed live manipulation of a given loop, although it also 
supports multiple simultaneous looping.

This software is licensed under the GPL. You are welcome to copy
it, give copies to your friends, modify it, throw it away, etc.  
But if you find it useful, then please consider making a

Please don't hesitate to give me feedback, and have fun....

Jesse Chappell

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