[linux-audio-dev] Old tracks finaly recorded and mastered

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Thu Oct 20 10:44:23 UTC 2005

On Thu, Oct 20, 2005 at 08:09:30PM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

> > I used 
> > sndfile-convert for that. Too bad it doesn't take a flag for 
> > the output format, but requires filenames for that.
> sndfile-convert understands -pcm16, -pcm24 and others.
> It only uses the file extension to figure out the desination
> file's container type (AU, AIFF, WAV etc).

Sorry, that's what I meant, the container.

Instead of:
  for a in *.wav; do sndfile-convert -pcm16 $a $a.wav;done
  mv *.wav some-folder/
  rename .wav.wav .wav *
(I know about basename and that I could have put a destination 
directory in there. Wouldn't make things actualy simpler, though)

I would have liked to do something like:
  mkdir destination
  sndfile-convert -pcm16 -d destination -c wav *.wav

When input and output files use different containers, the second 
version would become even simpler.

Things like this are no big deal, once you know (and don't forget 
again!) bash's 'for' construct ...

Erik: but I'm happy sndfile-convert exists and does its job, 
so thanks for that! :)

Thorsten Wilms

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