[LAD] CLAM 1.1, The `More eye-candy, please' release.

Pau Arumi parumi at iua.upf.edu
Mon Jun 11 14:11:49 UTC 2007

CLAM 1.1, The `More eye-candy, please' release.

    After a very intense development months since the last 1.0 release,
    the CLAM crew is glad to announce that CLAM 1.1 is ready to
    [1]download. It comes with many new features and code clean up. 
    important improvements are found in the Visual Prototyping 
front: new
    3D-looking widgets, new data viewers and control surface; and a
    simplified way to bind controls between the user interface and the
    processing network.

    To learn about CLAM: http://clam.iua.upf.edu

    This release has been cooked-up under the umbrella of the 
    Technology Group at the UPF lead by Josep Blat. So we thank their
    support! It also features the work from contributors such as Zach
    Welch; as well as the first patches from [2]Google Summer of Code
    program --for example LADSPA and FAUST support and some work on
    Annotator widgets.

    A summarized list of changes follows. See also the [3]CHANGES files
    for details. New audio related widgets were added to be used on the
    NetworkEditor and the Prototyper. Such widgets include data 
views such
    as the BarGraph which can display LPC's, MFCC's. Nice control 
    were also added. The ControlSurface, for instance, to control two
    scalar parameters by moving a point. Some widgets were gathered 
    the LAC community, such as [4]PkSampler [5]PovRay generated 
    and nice knobs we enhanced from [6]QSynth and [7]Rosegarden. 
Thanks to
    the developers of those projects for making them GPL and being so
    supportive while integrating them in CLAM. With all those widgets,
    users now can visually build more appealing applications such 
as the
    new examples we include with Prototyper: A real-time gender 
change, or
    real-time spectral effects.

    The TonalAnalysis (Chord extraction) now takes advantage of fftw3
    performing 4 times faster! The KeySpace visualization was also
    optimized so now tonal analysis runs even on very slow computers.

    NetworkEditor and Prototyper usability have been enhanced. They
    exploit the new in-control bounds parameters to automatically 
set up
    bounded control senders widgets. Also, NetworkEditor have proper
    multi-processing selection features.

    On different fronts, the code-base has been reduced by getting 
rid of
    Fltk and Qt3 modules since we are now focusing on Qt4, and the
    documentation have been restructured and now it offers new 

       The CLAM team


    1. http://clam.iua.upf.edu/download.html
    2. http://clam.iua.upf.edu/wikis/clam/index.php/GSoC_2007
    3. http://clam.iua.upf.edu/doc.html#changes
    4. http://www.patrickkidd.com/
    5. http://www.povray.org/
    6. http://qsynth.sourceforge.net/
    7. http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/

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