Fwd: Re: [LAD] Traverso 0.40.0 Released

Remon remonsijrier at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 13:41:14 UTC 2007


> Second, I noticed there's a click
> between segments when I split then using < X >. 

Strange, are you sure you use 0.40.0 ? :D

It would be very helpfull if you could tell me how to reproduce it and/or join 
us in #traverso / traverso-devel ml to look into this.

> Also, when I used < E > for 
> an external command (SoX - can this be changed?), the clip then becomes
> silent. I typed "reverse" into the box. It did reverse the clip, but like I
> said - silence.

The external processing was a feature request from a user, and given the way 
traverso works, I stated that creating a Command class to implement the 
functionality was easy.
That turned out to be right, but unfortunately, I didn't get much feedback. 
The external processing as such is still a somewhat experimental feature, and 
the command has been hardcoded to sox.

If there are more people who would like to see this functionality expended, 
please drop a note, with what exactly you want to accomplish, how, which 
parameters and so on.

> :) Anyways, then I split the reversed clip and could then hear it. Also, no

We did have these problems long ago, weird you have them still.... 
But it could be related to the external processing not fully tested...

> JACK transport support?

Please add a wish for this in the bug tracker [1] !



[1] https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/traverso/

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