[LAD] simulating analog audio devices part II

Robin Gareus robin at gareus.org
Mon Jun 18 11:57:30 UTC 2007

hello again.

Sorry for the late reply, but I could not spare any time to work on it
the previous week(s)..

porl sheean wrote:
>> I have not progressed to
>> simulating tube-amps or synths yet.. lack of time, netlists and
>> tube-models; it's low priority ATM.
> i don't mind making the circuits (in oregano or whatever), but i don't have
> decent models of tubes or transformers, 

I'm sorry; can't help you on this one. Should you find some, I'm
interested, too.

Try searching the internet for <device-name> and add some <spice model
syntax> (eg. Is= Rs= ... #more `locate .model`) - that helped me to find
a specific Zener-Diode model, but tubes are more tricky; I suppose
most models of them are copyrighted somehow.

> and am not sure how to easily work
> with them in oregano (it's been a while, be kind)...

I barely scratched the surface of oregano. Model&library preferences are
not accessible in the 0.60.0 version - I got lucky placing a .model file
named after the device in /usr/share/oregano/models/ before I switched
to editing netslists with a text-editor after an initially generating
them with oregano.

I've only just installed qucs and like it. Working on schematic entry
it's much faster! (oreagno's wiring still sucks)

> i do however have
> access to a lot of classic amp schematics (fender, marshall, vox etc) and
> don't mind spending time capturing them into oregano etc if it will help.

It'd be great to run a full simulation of a setup.

more later,

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