[LAD] like "qjackctl", but trimmed of all fat
Aaron Krister Johnson
aaron at akjmusic.com
Fri May 28 16:16:16 UTC 2010
Hi all,
Thanks for your many comments on my 'jackctl' python script of a couple of
days ago. I have a new version:
New features include:
* paging the reported connections list when lines go beyond 22
* a 'MIDI' mode (hit 'm') to get you to access alsa-MIDI connections via
* a help menu to show the few simple commands
I have not figured out how jack MIDI works---and I never use it (I don't
really see the point when there's ALSA MIDI, frankly, but maybe someone
knows better). I'm willing to add Jack-MIDI access as a feature, but someone
has to tell me how I can connect it and test it from the command line using
jackd (right now, 'jackd .... -X alsa' didn't work for me)
There are bound to be additional bugs that I cannot forsee due to differing
setups--I appreciate your testing and comments, and I hope you find this new
tool a viable, if minimal, alternative to QJackctl...
I recommend you use jack compiled without any additional verbosity. I
haven't yet put in an architecture that will handle spurious messages from
the various CL tools in the jack package.
On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 6:23 AM, Aaron Krister Johnson
<aaron at akjmusic.com>wrote:
> Hi linux-audio peoples,
> I want to announce my new and fun and useful python script -- I call it
> 'jackctl' -- it basically is a frontend to the jack tools 'jack_lsp' and
> 'jack_connect'. It's like 'qjackctl' , but since it's command line, no 'q'
> !!!
> get it here:
> http://www.akjmusic.com/software/jackctl20100526.py
> Why would I embark on writing such a script? Who would want to use this?
> You'll want to try this if one or any of the the following apply:
> 1) You don't want to have to install the entire QT toolkit for a single
> program.
> 2) If you like the command line, use a console, but still use jack often
> enough
> 3) You've used jack and 'jack_connect' through the command line before, but
> hated having to type the full name of the jack ports.
> 4) You've noticed that 'qjackctl' introduces CPU overhead and xruns you
> don't have when you use command-line jack, i.e. you are obsessed with the
> lowest possible latency
> 5) You want a fast, simple interface to connect jack ports that is even
> faster than a GUI---no need to point the mouse, just type two numbers and
> go!
> It's very simple. All you need is Python (and who doesn't have that on
> their machine). You put the script in your PATH, or link it/rename it,
> making sure it's exectuable. When you run it, you'll see a list of current
> numbered jack ports, and you can connect them by typing two numbers
> separated by a space. You can disconnect them by typing 'd' then the two
> numbers separated by a space. No hassles, and a nice feature is that it will
> protect you from making ear-blasting feedback connections. It's even quicker
> than qjackctl, b/c it takes more time to point your mouse at the ports in
> the GUI and then click 'connect' than it does to type two single-digit
> numbers and then hit return, yes?
> Let me know how you like it...I'm interested in reasonable feature
> requests. One potential TODO would be to make this script have a
> user-friendly way to start the jack daemon, but for now, I do that
> manually....
> Enjoy, comments welcome!
> --
> Aaron Krister Johnson
> http://www.akjmusic.com
> http://www.untwelve.org
Aaron Krister Johnson
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