[LAD] Devs needed for opensource virtual analog softsynth idea

Malte Steiner steiner at block4.com
Sun Feb 13 14:34:36 UTC 2011

> I have been doing some more work recently on the minicomputer port, and
> I have a few questions/ problems:
> 1. I can't get minicomputer to make any sound.  I start the CPU and the
> gui up fine, connect them to midi in and audio out in qjackctl, and play
> something, and there is no sound.  Are the default settings supposed to
> be silent?  If so, what should I change to get some sound?
The default is silent, have you installed the preset sounds and load a 
multi and / or a preset sound? That should get you started

> 2. Could you give me a brief explanation of what is controlled by OSC
> and what is controlled by MIDI?  Also, there are two different jack MIDI
> input ports for the two programs (minicomputer and minicomputerCPU).  Do
> these work differently?  How so?
Please consult the minicomputerManual PDF which should clearify all the 
questions. Midi to the minicomputer alsa port is only for programchanges 
while to the minicomputerCPU is for midi notes on channel 1 to 8. OSC 
goes from the gui to the engine for changing the parameters, the OSC 
messages are explained in the manual.



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