[LAD] Determining Phase

Erik de Castro Lopo mle+la at mega-nerd.com
Sun Jun 26 10:27:04 UTC 2011

pshirkey at boosthardware.com wrote:

> > - Absolute phase response *does* matter. It's quite
> > easy to create e.g. a filter that has a perfectly flat
> > amplitude response, modifies only the phase, and sounds
> > as a e.g. a resonance or even a reverb. You won't hear
> > the relatively harmless phase response of a tyipcal amp,
> > but that doesn't mean you can't hear phase errors in
> > general.
> >
> Does anyone have a code example for this type of filter?

An IIR allpass filter where the unit delay is replaced 
with a much longer delay, ie tens, hundreds or even thousands
of samples.

Erik de Castro Lopo

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