[LAD] "bleeding edge html5" has interesting Audio APIs

David Olofson david at olofson.net
Mon Nov 21 02:39:12 UTC 2011

On Monday 21 November 2011, at 02.44.00, Giuseppe Zompatori 
<siliconjoe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Wrong.
> Android has the highest smart phones market share (Samsung alone became th
> largest smart phones producer in the world). It's recent news.

...but, that's not really Java, is it? Different VM (Dalvik) with it's own 
form of bytecode.

Also, Dalvik doesn't (yet) have JIT, so you'll want to use native code for 
anything seriously demanding on those devices anyway. Doesn't really matter, 
as you have to compile specific Android builds regardless.

//David Olofson - Consultant, Developer, Artist, Open Source Advocate

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