[LAD] AudioGL

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Mon Aug 6 10:54:01 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-08-06 at 10:38 +0400, Louigi Verona wrote:
> Of course, none of us knows whether the video is actually true,
> whether it is as as smooth as it appears to be,
> whether it really does work that well as seen in the demo.

Correct, but I know other software able to do such stuff that easy. It
started with Cubase for the Atari ST in the 80s, with full automated
realtime SysEx editors (of course separated MIDI IOs) and it continued
with soft synth such as Alchemy VSTi, today gratis available for the
iPad. At least VSTis + Cubase for the PC should be have this
The short of it, Linux audio is far away from proprietary solutions.
I remember that somebody archived something like this with a Mac and a
full automated vocoder. He's subscribed to LAU and or LAD.

http://www.audiogl.com/en/audiogl seems to be for Windows only.

One of tons of synth that can do similar:

This works glitch free on an iPad2 too, at least the free iPad version
is lighter.


You are aware of all those hardware vector synth from the 80s? Or the
much older ARP step synth?

AudioGL is new for me, but it's not a new idea, such stuff is available
since a long, long time ago.


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