[LAD] AudioGL
Thijs van severen
thijsvanseveren at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 11:44:12 UTC 2012
2012/8/6 Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net>
> On Mon, 2012-08-06 at 10:38 +0400, Louigi Verona wrote:
> > Of course, none of us knows whether the video is actually true,
> > whether it is as as smooth as it appears to be,
> > whether it really does work that well as seen in the demo.
> Correct, but I know other software able to do such stuff that easy. It
> started with Cubase for the Atari ST in the 80s, with full automated
> realtime SysEx editors (of course separated MIDI IOs) and it continued
> with soft synth such as Alchemy VSTi, today gratis available for the
> iPad. At least VSTis + Cubase for the PC should be have this
> capabilities.
> The short of it, Linux audio is far away from proprietary solutions.
> I remember that somebody archived something like this with a Mac and a
> full automated vocoder. He's subscribed to LAU and or LAD.
> http://www.audiogl.com/en/audiogl seems to be for Windows only.
> One of tons of synth that can do similar:
> http://www.camelaudio.com/Alchemy.php
> This works glitch free on an iPad2 too, at least the free iPad version
> is lighter.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTVm9RWfhyE
> You are aware of all those hardware vector synth from the 80s? Or the
> much older ARP step synth?
> AudioGL is new for me, but it's not a new idea, such stuff is available
> since a long, long time ago.
> Regards,
> Ralf
reminds me a bit of reactable, or the open variant psychosynth (see
follow me on my Audio & Linux blog <http://audio-and-linux.blogspot.com/> !
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