[LAD] send midi message
Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas
pedro.lopez.cabanillas at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 14:31:32 UTC 2012
On Thursday 05 January 2012, Dave Stikkolorum wrote:
> Hi all,
> I try to write a c program that sends midi notes to the Hydrogen drum
> sequencer.
> I use the alsa library to create a client with an output port.
> I attached two files.
> loopqueue.c works but loop.c doesn't.
> A base drum (note:28) is being send.
> I am not succeeding to use direct delivery,
> but it only works with the queue.
> Any ideas why?
In both programs you need to connect the output port to some input port (for
instance, a soft synth). To do so, you can insert a call to
snd_seq_connect_to() after creating your port:
snd_seq_connect_to(seq, port, 20, 0);
Where 20:0 are the client:port numbers of the receiving port.
The problem in loop.c is that you are using the function snd_seq_ev_set_note()
that includes a duration as the 5th parameter. This function will create two
MIDI events in a queue, the first one will be the noteon event, and the second
one will be a noteoff event, scheduled adding the specified duration to the
start time of the former noteon event. That requires a queue for event
If you don't mind about noteoff events, because most percussion synths don't
bother about them anyway, replace that function call by
snd_seq_ev_set_noteon(). There is also a snd_seq_ev_set_noteoff() function as
You may be interested in my C++/Qt4 wrapper around the ALSA sequencer API:
Here is how a simple program playing a note-on MIDI message using drumstick
looks like:
#include <QApplication>
#include <drumstick.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv, false);
// create a client object on the heap
drumstick::MidiClient *client = new drumstick::MidiClient;
client->setClientName( "MyClient" );
// create the port
drumstick::MidiPort *port = client->createPort();
port->setPortName( "MyPort" );
// subscribe the port to some other client:port
port->subscribeTo( "20:0" ); // or "name:port", like in "KMidimon:0"
// create an event object on the stack, to send a note on message
drumstick::NoteOnEvent ev( 0, 66, 100 );
ev.setSource( port->getPortId() );
ev.setSubscribers(); // deliver to all the connected ports
ev.setDirect(); // not scheduled, deliver immediately
client->output( &ev ); // or outputDirect() if you prefer not buffered
client->drainOutput(); // flush the buffer
// close and clean
delete client;
return 0;
One program that uses Drumstick to play metronome and drum patterns is
KMetronome: http://kmetronome.sourceforge.net/kmetronome.shtml
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