[LAD] [ANN] Radium V1.9.1

Kjetil Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Sun Nov 11 19:44:03 UTC 2012

On 11.11.2012 20:15, Florian Paul Schmidt wrote:
> On 11/11/2012 08:08 PM, Kjetil Matheussen wrote:
>>> Flo
>>> P.S.: Another question: Is there a way to loop a pattern?
>> You mean, for instance, loop between line 10 and 20? No, there 
>> isn't.
>> Do you need it as part of a song (for instance, look an area 5 
>> times),
>> or just as a way to conveniently listen to a specific part of a 
>> block (pattern)?
>> If the latter, you can mark the playing start line by pressing Left 
>> Meta + B.
>> Then you can press Left Meta + Space to start playing from that 
>> line.
> Just simply looping a block (to e.g. fiddle with automation, effects
> parameters, etc.), without having to press right meta - space all 
> over
> again. :D Looping a range of lines in a block would be useful, too, I
> guess...

You mean loop the whole block? It's actually impossible not to loop the
block... Doesn't it loop?

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