[LAD] [ANN] Radium V1.9.1
Kjetil Matheussen
k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Mon Nov 12 08:52:45 UTC 2012
On 12.11.2012 08:30, Florian Paul Schmidt wrote:
> On 11/11/2012 05:02 PM, Kjetil Matheussen wrote:
>> Great to hear! It would also be great if you let me know of features
>> you miss from Renoise in Radium.
> OK, since you asked: :D some of these might also be the result of me
> misunderstanding radium..
> - I really dig the ability to have a graph of nodes for audio
> processing. But an often needed use case is just a linear chain of
> effects which in radium involves lots of clicking and shifting nodes
> around to keep the graph in an orderly state. In renoise you have a
> linear DSP chain per track.
> http://tutorials.renoise.com/wiki/Track_DSPs
> This is really useful and allows for quick exploring of sounds. In an
> ideal world we could have the cake and eat it, too. I.e. have a full
> graph for complex situations and a per Instrument linear effects
> chain
> which facilitates easy adding/removing/reordering of effects..
I've tried to have one's cake and eat it too. :-)
* If you right click on a connection between two object, the new object
is inserted in between those two objects.
* If you drop an object on a connection, the object will insert itself
in between those two objects.
* If you delete an object in between two other objects, the connections
on both sides will connect.
These tricks should make the number of operations needed to edit a
chain of effects similar to Renoise.
> - Renoise also has the notion of Meta Devices of which some
> functionality can be replaced by having a full graph of nodes, but
> again it's just very usable to just throw an LFO device into the
> effects chain which modulates some effect parameter..
> http://tutorials.renoise.com/wiki/Meta_Devices
Thanks, that's interesting.
> - Renoise also has this nice edit step feature which I haven't found
> in radium yet. Press, for example, Ctrl-4, and after you enter a note
> the cursor jumps to the 4th line below it. This allows for super easy
> filling e.g. a Bassdrum/Hihat pattern. Go to the first line of the
> pattern on the Bass drum track and just hold Y (C note) and it fills
> the pattern. Then go to line 3 on the Hihat track and hold down Y to
> fill hihats on the off beats..
Great tip. Shouldn't be too hard to implement.
> - On my laptop screen estate is precious. While I like the ability to
> use F7, F8, F9, F10 to toggle the different sections of the GUI I'd
> really prefer to have these shortcuts to show the section
> exclusively.
> E.g.
> F7, F8, F9. F10 - switch to the respective Part of the GUI and show
> it only. Pressing it again will toggle back to showing the selection
> of views as by the point below...
> Shift + F7, F8, ... - Toggle the respective part of the GUI
That sounds simple. I'll try that.
You can also define your own keyboard configuration by editing
There are no functions available to show a section exclusively yet
though, but I'll
add it.
> - It would be nice to have tooltips over each element of the GUI.
> What are these sliders at the top of each track, etc? How do the
> lanes
> right of the note lanes work? It would make the GUI more discoverable
Sometimes, you get help in the text at the bottom left of the screen.
It will tell you that those two sliders are for volume and panning.
It also tells you what lines right to the note track are.
> - Sometimes focus is in e.g. the sample selection dialog of a sample
> player and it's not really obvious how to get focus back to the note
> track. Or at least I was sitting here confused for a bit. Maybe
> allowing explicit clicking to control focus would meet some people's
> expectations more?
> - It would be super nice if one could double click a slider in an
> Effect/Instrument control to enter a value per Text. This way one
> could e.g. enter 750 precisely for a delay time.
> And finally I also have another question:
> Whenever I enter a note in a block playback stops. Is that intended?
> Is there a way to keep playback going while editing a block?
Yes, unfortunately. The player thread doesn't support having a note
list and so fort changing while playing. Doing so requires quite a bit
of work,
which is probably better done by rewriting the player, which should be
done anyway
for other reasons. Earlier, there were a hack implemented which stopped
the player right before editing, and then continued playing right after
Maybe I can reintroduce that hack again.
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