[linux-audio-user] Running Csound

toby at tobiah.org toby at tobiah.org
Fri Mar 21 11:28:01 EST 2003

dbdbdb wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Can you tell me the way to run Csound in Linux.
> I downloaded the RPM package of the canonical (jffitch v4.23) but I don´t
> know what is next to RPMize it! 

First, be root.  Then simply type


If you get 'command not found', then you got the wrong
file, and should get something like Csound-4.23.tar.gz,
and begin the non-trivial task of getting it to compile.
If the 'rpm' command gives you a screen full of help messages,
then just go:

	rpm -i <your file name here>.rpm

and you are done, and can type csound to begin.


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