[linux-audio-user] Ardour question for ardour people out there...

Aaron Trumm aaron at nquit.com
Sun Nov 16 02:31:29 EST 2003

hi - this is really a question for the Ardour list, but for reasons beyond
my control, I can't get on the list (my ISP's fault) - so any of your Ardour
people - is it expected that Ardour would only allow 32 channels of output?

to explain, I found this out while mixing a project where I had 24 tracks in
ardour, all of which went to a different one of my 24 channels of output on
my HDSP 9652 card - everything great.  then I started adding a few tracks,
to be submixed - for example, channel 17 was vocals, and I had two more
vocal tracks in ardour, also routed to 17 for a nice little submix.  workin'
great.  but upon adding the 33rd track, it wouldn't allow me to assign it to
any output (I wish I could remember the log message it gives me).  since it
was exactly 32 I thought maybe it was an actual on purpose (or at least
temporarily on purpose) capability limitation and thought nothing of it

it only just now occurred to me to ask if it's not on purpose, but a bug or
a problem I'm having (in which case I would want to fix, or report, if it
were a bug)...


Houston Poetry Slam Team
NQuit Records

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