[linux-audio-user] offline processing
R Parker
rtp405 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 17 21:30:18 EST 2004
--- Jack O'Quin <joq at io.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 07:40:52AM -0800, R Parker
> wrote:
> > > stereo file in ardour to jamin input, jamin out
> to
> > > hardware
> This doesn't work because the device is out of the
> loop.
My chain was Ardour -> JAMin -> Ardour. I wrote the
wrong thing.
As Steve
> said, you can capture the result to another ardour
> track or use a
> different recorder, like jackrec or ecasound. But
> you can't listen
> while doing it, so it's not very useful for
> mastering.
Assuming freewheel/freeze, whatever it's called,
accurately produces the result of the signal chain
then it's useful. The mixing and mastering are done
and I know what it sounds like. Now process hte jack
graph to a file. This eliminates the need to open
another application and the processing is faster than
realtime. Am I missing something?
> --
> joq
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