[linux-audio-user] Note typesetting for Linux

ricktaylor at speakeasy.net ricktaylor at speakeasy.net
Wed Jul 14 08:45:11 EDT 2004

> From: tim hall [mailto:tech at glastonburymusic.org.uk]
> Last Tuesday 13 July 2004 22:44, ricktaylor at speakeasy.net was like:

> >  :} One file format to bind them all...
> While (other) people are still using IE6, our options will be limited. Some 

 IE6 is actually a pretty good browser. I like Mozilla better.

> form of xml would seem the logical way to go, with a standard syntax based on 
> what we already have. It would be nice to be able to realise scores on web 
> browsers without having to resort to using images.

 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/ I'm fine with smil... I think it's more appropriate to what I do. XML is probably just as good...

 I really didn't mean to diss traditional notation above. I have all the respect in the world for it. I do think we need file formats and notation types that are better suited to computer music and to newer techniques...

 :} I'm seeing images as perks.

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