[linux-audio-user] Kernel 2.6.x latency

Jack O'Quin joq at io.com
Fri Mar 12 00:37:20 EST 2004

Eric Dantan Rzewnicki <rzewnickie at rfa.org> writes:

> I think it's related to the fact that I build kernel deb packages w/
> make-kpkg. I'm at work right now, and feeling somewhat under the
> weather so I probably won't get to it tonight. 

Ah!  No hurry.  I wouldn't expect that to work, anyway.

Some of the Debian multimedia folks are talking about packaging and
distributing it.  So, that may become a lot easier, eventually.

> I'll see if I can sort it out this weekend when I'm planning to move
> up to the 2.6.4 kernel.

If you're going to build with 2.6.4, you'll need the newest version,
realtime-0.0.4.  Linus recently changed the way concurrent groups are
stored in the task structure (actually, they're not in the task
structure anymore).  I'm building 2.6.4 to test with it as we speak.
My thanks to Martin Habets for pointing out what needed to be done.

This version *should* work either way, it's in the usual place...


> Thanks for all your efforts, Jack.

You're very welcome,

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