[linux-audio-user] Sarai Reader 05: Bare Acts
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ish at sarai.net
Thu Apr 7 01:27:47 EDT 2005
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Subject: [Reader-list] Sarai Reader 05: Bare Acts
To: reader-list at sarai.net
From: Monica Narula <monica at sarai.net>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 07:44:25 +0530
Dear All,
We are happy to announce the print and web
publication of Sarai Reader 05 : 'Bare Acts' .
Please find more details about the book below.
We would welcome responses, reviews and critiques
of the publication, and discussions based on its
contents. If you would like to write a review of
the book, and wish to obtain a review copy, do
write to publications at sarai.net, mentioning
details of the publication where the review will
appear, and when it is likely to be published.
The contents of the book may also be translated
into other languages, and published elsewhere.
We, and the authors, would like to be informed.
Looking forward to your responses
The Editorial Collective, Sarai Reader Series
Editors: Monica Narula, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, Jeebesh Bagchi + Geert Lovink
Guest Editor: Lawrence Liang
Sarai Reader Series Editorial Collective: Monica
Narula, Shuddhabrata Sengupta, Ravi Sundaram,
Ravi S. Vasudevan, Awadhendra Sharan, Jeebesh
Bagchi + Geert Lovink
Published by the Sarai Programme, Centre for the Study of Developing
Societies, Delhi, 2005 [cc]
Produced and Designed at the Sarai Media Lab, Delhi
ISBN 81-901429-5-X
584 pages, 14.5cm X 21cm
Paperback: Rs. 350, US$ 20, Euro 20
Bare Acts
This year, the Sarai Reader looks at 'Acts' as
instruments of legislation, at things within and
outside the law, and at 'acts' as different ways
of 'doing' things in society and culture. Several
texts and image-essays echo and complement themes
that have emerged in earlier readers. Piracy,
borders, surveillance, claims to authority and
entitlement, the language of expertise, the legal
regulation of sexual behaviour and trespasses of
various kinds have featured prominently in
previous Readers. This collection foregrounds
these issues in a way that hopes to continue to
provoke rigorous engagement and reflection.
The 'Bare Act' is an expression used to specify
the content of law, bereft of any interpretative
gloss. In legal libraries in India and many parts
of the English-speaking world, a Bare Act is a
document that simply codifies a law without
annotation or commentary. The 'Bare Act' is
legality pared down to its textual essence. It
expresses only what the law does, and what it can
The enactment of law, however, is less a matter
of reading the letter of the law, and more a
matter of augmenting or eroding the textual
foundation through the acts of interpretation,
negotiation, disputation and witnessing. The law
and practices within and outside stand in
relation to a meta legal domain that can be said
to embrace acts and actions in all their depth,
intensity and substantive generality. This too is
a stage set for the performance of 'bare acts',
of what we might call 'naked deeds' - actions
shorn of everything other than what is contained
in a verb.
The 'Bare Act' that encrypts the letter of the
law, the wire frame structure that demands the
fleshing out of interpretation, and the 'bare
act' that expresses and contains the stripped
down kernel of an act, of something that is done,
are both expressions that face each other in a
relationship of tense reflection and intimate
alterity. Bare Acts generate bare acts, and vice
versa. 'Bare Acts', the fifth Sarai Reader,
proposes to be a considered examination of this
troubled mirror image.
See below for the complete table of contents. The
complete text of 'Bare Acts', like the entire
contents of previous readers, is available for
free browsing and download as pdf files at
For Purchase, Distribution and Other Enquiries, mail to -
publications at sarai.net
or, contact -
Sarai, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
29, Rajpur Road, Delhi 110054, India
Tel : (+91) 11 2396 0040
E mail : dak at sarai.net
Distributors: Seagull Books, Delhi & Kolkata (in
India) and Autonomedia, New York (USA)
Invitation - Sarai Reader Editorial Collective - 2
Porous Legalities and Avenues of Participation - Lawrence Liang - 6
"ÂBolti Band (SILENCED)!" - Clifton D' Rozario - 18
Lepers, Witches and Infidels & It's a Bug's Life - Francesca da Rimini - 26
Rested - Colette Mazabrard - 39
Of Butchers and Policemen: Law, Justice and Economies of Anxiety -
Gunalan Nadarajan - 46
Down by Law: A Critique for the 21st Century - Alexander Karschnia - 57
'New' Delhi: Fashioning an Urban Environment through Science and Law -
Awadhendra Sharan - 69
Improbablevoices.net: An Improbable Monument to
Witnessing and the Ethics of Trespass -
Sharon Daniel - 78
The Discovery of the Fifth World: Stealth Countries and Logo Nations -
Daniel van der Velden, Tina Clausmeyer, Vinca Kruk, Adriaan Mellegers
(Meta Haven Project) - 96
Transcoding Sovereignty: Naked Bandit/Here, Not
Here/White Sovereign - KR + CF - 111
SMS to Passport - Vishwajyoti Ghosh - 115
The Strange Case of Qays Al Kareem - Tripta Wahi - 123
Marginalia - Kai Friese - 129
On Smugglers, Pirates and Aroma Makers - Ursula Biemann - 145
Sponge Borders - Guido Cimadomo + Pilar MartÃnez Ponce - 150
Notes on the Disappeared: Towards a Visual Language of Resistance -
Chitra Ganesh + Mariam Ghani - 154
Dreams and Disguises, As Usual - Raqs Media Collective - 162
HACKS - 176
Trespasses of the State: Ministering to
Theological Dilemmas through the
Copyright/Trademark - Naveeda Khan - 178
Harmony or Discord? TRIPS, China, and Overlapping
Sovereignties - Shujen Wang - 189
Innovating Piracy: The Bare Act of Stealing, and
Shaping the Future - Menso Heus - 202
Is Hacking Illegal? - Yuwei Lin + David Beer - 205
Three Proposals for a Real Democracy: Information-Sharing to a Different
Tune -
Brian Holmes - 215
Roots Culture: Free Software Vibrations "inna Babylon" - Armin Medosch - 222
Touts, Pirates and Ghosts - Solomon Benjamin - 242
Daily Journey - Satyajit Pande - 255
Complicating the City: Media Itineraries - Media Researchers @ Sarai - 258
Begum Samru and the Security Guard - Anand Vivek Taneja - 287
My Driving Master: A Story of Everyday Trespasses - Zainab Bawa - 297
Naye Qanoon (New Laws) - 301
Vis-Ã -Visage - I. Helen Jilavu - 306
Cybermohalla Logs/Acts/Texts - CM Labs @ LNJP-DP-NM - 308
The Act of Leisure - Iram Ghufran + Taha Mehmood - 325
Surveillance, Performance, Self-Surveillance: Interview with Jill Magid -
Geert Lovink - 339
Living Between Laws - Ninad Pandit - 348
Negotiating Territory - Ateya Khorakiwala - 354
Tis Hazari Diaries - Chander Nigam - 360
Bare Acts and Collective Explorations: The MKSS
Experience with the Right to Information - Preeti
Sampat + Nikhil Dey - 385
TRIALS - 397
Zimbabwe's 'New Clothes': Identity and Power
Among Displaced Farm Workers - Amy R. West +
Blair Rutherford - 398
Standardised, Packaged, Ready for Consumption - Ravi Agarwal - 412
The Act of Instruction - Jan Ritsema - 420
Womanhood Laid Bare: How Katherine Mayo and
Manoda Devi Challenged Indian Public Morality -
Alice Albinia - 428
Literature and the Limits of Law: Crime, Guilt
and Agency in Premchand's Ghaban -
Ulka S. Anjaria - 437
The Honourable Murder: The Trial of Kawas
Maneckshaw Nanavati - Aarti Sethi - 444
Judicial Extract - 454
Representing a Woman's Story: Explicit Film and
the Efficacy of Censorship in Japan - Hikari Hori
- 457
The Queer Case of Section 377 - Siddharth Narrain - 466
"For God's Sake, Be Objective!" - Somnath Batabyal - 472
Another 9/11, Another Act of Terror: The 'Embedded Disorder' of the AFSPA -
A. Bimol Akoijam - 481
Warporn Warpunk! Autonomous Videopoesis in Wartime - Matteo Pasquinelli - 492
'First, Do No Harm...': Ensuring Humanitarian Military Interventions -
Bikram Jeet Batra - 500
War Cake - Linda F. Beekman - 511
The Law of the Mother: Soldiers' Mothers and the Post-Soviet Army -
Irina Aristarkhova - 516
Naked Protest and the Politics of Personalism - Isaac Souweine - 526
Analytical World Statistics Wall Chart, 2003 - Louise Kolff - 537
A Comparative Anatomy of Post-Mortem Acts - Smriti Vohra - 540
The Accidental Activist - Fredrik Svensk + Kristoffer Gansing - 552
'Our'chitecture - Jayson Claude - 559
Sex Workers' Manifesto - Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee, Kolkata - 564
Bare Wiring - Sophea Lerner - 572
Notes on Contributors - 574
Image and Photo Credits - 581
Monica Narula [Raqs Media Collective]
29 Rajpur Road, Delhi 110 054
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