[linux-audio-user] [admin] linux-audio-* maintainer wanted...
Ivica Ico Bukvic
ico.bukvic at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 16:16:26 EDT 2006
Congrats Joern!
BTW, does this mean that LA* lists might a new host?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: linux-audio-user-bounces at music.columbia.edu [mailto:linux-audio-
> user-bounces at music.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of Joern Nettingsmeier
> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 1:15 PM
> To: linux-audio-user at music.columbia.edu; linux-audio-
> dev at music.columbia.edu
> Cc: nettings at folkwang-hochschule.de
> Subject: [linux-audio-user] [admin] linux-audio-* maintainer wanted...
> hi guys!
> due to post-academic stress syndrome (read: i'm getting a real job ;), i
> would like to resign from being maintainer of the linux-audio-* lists.
> lately i haven't been able to keep up with the lists as much as i would
> have liked to, and i feel it's time for new people to take over.
> if you'd like to volunteer, holler now :)
> i'm leaving on a four-week iceland trip in about a week, and if no-one
> has expressed their interest by then, i would be very glad if somebody
> could at least step forward to tend to the lists for a month or so...
> as an added bonus, there is also the job of cleaning up the old
> lad.linuxaudio.org page, throwing out all the obsolete stuff (i.e.
> everything except the subscription information and the contrib/ section)
> and maybe linking to all the excellent documentation efforts elsewhere :)
> i hope to stay in contact with the linux audio community in the future,
> and i will definitely do some volunteer work for next year's linux audio
> conference in berlin, but my life has moved away from studio work to
> live audio engineering, systems administration and (ugh) web content
> management...
> all the best,
> jörn
> --
> jörn nettingsmeier
> home://germany/45128 essen/lortzingstr. 11/
> http://spunk.dnsalias.org
> phone://+49/201/491621
> if you are a free (as in "free speech") software developer
> and you happen to be travelling near my home, drop me a line
> and come round for a free (as in "free beer") beer. :-D
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