[linux-audio-user] Real-time kernel

Rui Nuno Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Thu Nov 30 04:31:51 EST 2006

On Thu, November 30, 2006 09:06, Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
> Trying to find Linux info on Google can double my time taken.  I give
> up: where is this IRQ script?

If you're talking about rtirq, you can find the last known one here:


Installation consists on copying only two files (as root), a configuration
file and the shell script, respectively:

  cp rtirq.conf /etc/sysconfig/rtirq
  cp rtirq.sh   /etc/init.d/rtirq

then you'll have to make rtirq started on the apropriate system
run-levels, something like red-hat's `chkconfig rtirq on`. I'm not fluent
in debianese and I don't have a clue whether this is supposed to work
as-is on debian. Isn't debian LSB compliant? ;)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
rncbc at rncbc.org

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