[LAU] [LAA] Sweep 0.9.2 released.
pete shorthose
zenadsl6252 at zen.co.uk
Mon Apr 14 13:11:06 EDT 2008
On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 16:17:03 +0200
Dragan Noveski <perodog at gmx.net> wrote:
> your way of thinking might be right, cause starting sweep like:
> 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sweep'
> i do not get the crash anymore.
> this prefix i always use to start ardour, cause if not there will be a
> lot of strange minor issues here....
the German translation should work though.
> the command you asked me for (export | grep LC_ALL) does not turn
> anything here
sorry, my fault. it looks like LC_ALL isn't set by default (LANG is)
LC_ALL was set on my system because.. uhm.. i set it moments before ;)
i suspect that the locale is somehow setup incorrectly on your system.
(hence the problems with ardour too)
if you want, mail me off list and i'll try and help track down the
problem. also note that sweep has it's own mailing lists so you
can post there about sweep issues too.
see: http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=4854
> now back to sweep - if i start it with prefix, everything looks good,
> but when i press play, nothing happens, and i get this in a console:
> 'sweep: alsa_setup: audio interface does not support host endian 32 bit
> float samples (Invalid argument)'
> no idea what is wrong here the file is a regular wav:
it's not the file. i assume you are using ubuntu gusty gibbon (or some
derivative), as the libasound2 package on gutsy is missing
the float capability required by sweep. still no sign of a fixed
package for gutsy. i should chase it up really.
try getting this and installing it:
(just dl it and if it doesn't offer to open it with gdebi, install
with sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/libasound2_1.0.15-3ubuntu4_i386.deb
(or where ever you downloaded it to)
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