[LAU] Are RT-patches needed anymore? (Was Re: >= 2.6.27 RT ETA? )

Tapani Sysimetsä tapani.sysimetsa at rokki.net
Tue Mar 10 10:21:30 EDT 2009

alex stone wrote:
> Is it possible to build a custom RT kenel using 2.6.29, that will work 
> in Lenny? Is there an incompatability with Glib, or anything else, 
> that will prevent this happening?


I'm running 2.6.29 rt-kernel from 64Studio repos in my Lenny/Sid mutant. 
Maybe not too recommended, but works fine here.

Add repository:
deb http://apt.64studio.com/backports hardy-backports main

(yes, hardy)
....and search for linux-image multimedia. Both 32-bit and 64-bit 
kernels are there (and also 2.6.26 versions).

Headers for 2.6.29 are not yet installable, since linux-kbuild-2.6.29 is 


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