[LAU] surround sound with mplayer and windows media

ben brouits at free.fr
Sat Mar 14 21:51:54 EDT 2009

Julien Claassen a écrit :
> Hello everyone!
>    I have a file, which is supposedly surroundsound, at least the site says so 
> and I have no reason to doubt them. But when I open it with mplayer, it tells 
> me, that there are only 2 channels:
> AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 192.0 kbit/13.61% (ratio: 24000->176400)

just to add +0.5 cent..

my little knowledge on surround sound may be far outdated, but as far
as i know, "surround" sound has always been 2 channels (inner surround
channel is sort of "computed"). So, to me, mplayer reports something
right. Surround sound decoding can even be done with analog method.

>    So how can I grab the different channels, to make a binaural version of it.
half reply: for inner surround channel retrieving, no real standard.
just different (close) methods year over year. maybe some trademark or
label may help to find the appropriate method. But generaly, this is
more or less like:
Left = orig-left + surr-effect
Right = orig-right - surr-effect
surr-effect depends on l, r, context.

The real problem is to know the signification of the content of the
surround part in order to do something relevant with it for the binaural
(or other) purpose.

> I seem to remember that csound should be capable of that. But first of all I 
> need all the different channels. At least I suppose so?
>    If anyone wants to test a file, it's here:
> http://www.wdr.de/radio/hoerspiel-surround/lautsprechertest192_44_16_vbr.wma
>    It's a small speaker test from their site.
>    Can anyone help me?
>    Kindest regards
>            Julien

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