[LAU] use your pc as an music player (and safe energy)

Grammostola Rosea rosea.grammostola at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 05:16:00 EDT 2009

david wrote:
> Justin Smith wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Grammostola Rosea
>> <rosea.grammostola at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Justin Smith wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Grammostola Rosea
>>>> <rosea.grammostola at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Music is digitalized now and so I use more and more my pc for listening
>>>>> to music. I guess this are just modern times....
>>>>> But this are also the times of a planet what get destroyed and less
>>>>> important  money  just disappears...
>>>>> So I want to save as much energy as possible without buying another pc.
>>>>> Is there a way to handle this? What are the tricks or are there 'green'
>>>>> distro's?
>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>> \r
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>>>> One possibility is using applications that use less CPU, the harder
>>>> your CPU works, the more energy it turns in to waste heat. For this,
>>>> avoid things written in dynamic languages, and in general try to use
>>>> the smallest and most efficient program for a given task (you could
>>>> look at applications recommended for older/slower computers like
>>>> blackbox / evilwm / rox-filer / xfce / lxde / etc. and using a command
>>>> line application whenever possible rather than a full GUI will save a
>>>> large amount of CPU / disk usage as well.
>>> Is there a command line multimedia music player?
>> If by multimedia you mean audio + video I am not sure, there is
>> mplayer but it does not do playlists as far as I know,
> mplayer -playlist NameOfPlaylistHere
> It supports a simple one-file-per-line playlist. An article on Linux 
> Journal says it also supports ASX, M3U and other popular playlist formats.
And is it possible to switch to, for example number 12 of the list?


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