[LAU] Easy sound morphing?

Renato Fabbri renato.fabbri at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 16:28:17 EDT 2009

Shane: that script was done using pywt version 0.1.6 (alpha) i think that
its current. what version did you find?
Dan: wavelets are used to represent/compress or synth signals with
transients. kind of opposed to FFT to stationary signals... i dindt use LPC
but i plan on studying it, do you know any good material?

2009/3/31 Dan S <danstowell+lxau at gmail.com <danstowell%2Blxau at gmail.com>>

> 2009/3/30, shane richards <shanerich at email.com>:
> > I've been trying to do some sound morphs between two different hits of a
> snare drum, one rimshot and the other a plain hit.
> >  I tried using SMSTools, and even some windows programs under wine, but
> the results always seem to sound more like hitting a bucket full of water
> than a combination of the two drums.
> Drum sounds are very "difficult" for these tools because the FFT-based
> analysis assumes a quasi-stationary signal (imagine a sine wave that
> never changes, that's the easiest) whereas drum hits really strongly
> violate this. Also phase issues and other stuff. To be honest you'll
> probably do best using some kind of clever perceptually-tweaked
> crossfade-based technique... or maybe find something using LPC-based
> analysis rather than FFT, that might do well (I haven't looked) - LPC
> should have a better chance at handling drum sounds gracefully.
> Dan
> --
> http://www.mcld.co.uk
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