[LAU] Chordata 1.0
David García Garzón
david.garcia at upf.edu
Thu Apr 8 22:28:32 EDT 2010
A Divendres 02 Abril 2010 19:52:19, Igor Brkic va escriure:
> On 08.03.2010 21:55, David García Garzón wrote:
> > The CLAM project is pleased to announce the first stable release of
> Chordata.
> > ...
> When I want to choose another song while one is playing, it blocks and
> (in most cases) crashes JACK (jackd version 0.116.2).
If Jack gives problems try portaudio backend with the "-b portaudio" option.
In the next release we will default to portaudio backend.
> Also, I tried playing found chords on guitar and it seems to me that
> displayed chords are one semitone lower than the sound that is playing,
> but maybe just I didn't tune guitar right (can't find tuner right now :)).
Also a bug which can be workarounded. We are not using any samplerate
conversion. The algorigthm is tuned to run at 44100 as most wave files. Jack
might have been configured to run with 48000 so you are probably hearing the
song a semitone higher than it is. Portaudio backend fixes the output
samplerate to 44100.
> Other than that, some changes are needed for compilation on Arch linux,
> so a little tutorial follows:
> I checked out whole CLAM svn (svn co http://clam-project.org/clam/trunk
> clam). First compile clam with scons and scons install. This goes
> without problems.
> Next, compile NetworkEditor. If you just run scons you+ll get "undefined
> interface" error. To solve that, in some files line:
> #include <QtDesigner/QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface>
> needs to be replaced with:
> #include <QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface>
> This has to be done for the following files:
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/CLAMWidgets.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/ChordRankingPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/ControlSurfaceWidgetPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/KeySpacePlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/LPModelViewPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/MelCepstrumViewPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/MelSpectrumViewPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/OscilloscopePlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/PeakViewPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/PixmapWidgetsPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/PolarChromaPeaksPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/ProgressControlWidgetPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/QFirstPersonPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/QSynthKnobPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/SegmentationViewPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/SpectrogramPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/SpectrumViewPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/TonnetzPlugin.hxx
> src/clamWidgetsPlugin/VumeterPlugin.hxx
> This changes could be done with following command (it all has to be in
> one line):
> for i in `grep -R -l "<QtDesigner/QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface>"
> *|grep hxx|grep -v .svn`; do sed -s
> face>/" $i > tmp_file; mv tmp_file $i; echo $i ;done
> Bear in mind that this could be done much prettier and easier, but I'm
> not an expert :) - run this command from NetworkEditor directory and it
> should do it.
Please try to uncomment lines 418 and 419 of CLAM/scons/sconstools/qt4,py
Some qt versions have no valid pc files for QtDesigner modules
> After that, NetworkEditor should compile without problems (scons && sudo
> scons install).
> Before building Chordata, you need to run ldconfig as a root.
> In SConstruct file in chordata directory, you need to add two paths:
> where chordata will be installed and where is CLAM installed. CLAM is,
> by default, installed in /usr/local, so you can also put that for prefix
> (third parameter in lines 7 and 8).
> Cheers!
> Igor
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David García Garzón
(Work) david dot garcia at upf anotherdot edu
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