[LAU] sending random midi notes from a bash script
lsutton at libero.it
Sun Feb 7 14:03:36 EST 2010
>>>> The note to be sent should be specifiable on command line, along with
>>>> length/velocity ... probably would be enough.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>> As an example, here is a bash script that can be used with cron, to play
>>> hourly a tune and some strokes.
>> Thanks Pedro, that's quite useful.
>> I'm using the playnote function from your script. I see you make a
>> translation of note names to other ascii chars using tr (before you call
>> playnote), and it's this latter "scale" string I'm interested in, as
>> my script does not need to deal with note names at this stage.
>> I've used an expansion of the string "<>@ACEGHJLMOQS" to
>> "<>@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" which does
> This translation requires a bit of explanation. The first set of characters
> ("cdefgabCDEFGAB") are two octaves, the lower one represented by the
> symbols "cdefgab" and the upper one by the symbols "CDEFGAB". The two sets
> are note names used in the tune, declared at the top:
> tune="C 4, E 4, D 4, g 2, C 4, D 4, E 4, C 2, \
> E 4, C 4, D 4, g 2, g 4, D 4, E 4, C 2,"
> But the MIDI devices expect MIDI note numbers instead of symbolic names, so a
> translation is needed. The symbol "c" is translated into the character "<"
> (character code 0x3C, decimal 60), and the symbol "C" into the character "H"
> (code 0x48, decimal 72). The character codes are the MIDI note numbers, and
> we are writting them to character devices (/dev/midi*).
> The MIDI note numbers and their corresponding musical notes can be seen in
> this nice graphic:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NoteNamesFrequenciesAndMidiNumbers.svg
> If you don't need to deal with note names, I suggest you to use the MIDI note
> numbers directly. This gives you the widest possible range of notes.
>> give me a wider range of notes, but is very middly, there's no bass
>> notes nor anything from the high octaves.
>> How might I get the bass and high end?
> Another example is attached. In this case, the script plays a more complex
> tune for two voices codified without using symbolic note names. Using this
> technique you can even specify different velocities for each note (although
> this example uses 0x64, dec.100 for all notes). The sample also uses running
> status and knows how to cope with silences.
> Regards,
> Pedro
Another completely different approach might be to create a Pd patch with
all the 'random midi logic' and then call it from bash with the -nogui
option... But not sure if this would fit in your scenario...
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