[LAU] yoshimi creeps... 0.051
folderol at ukfsn.org
Sat Jan 16 17:13:12 EST 2010
On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 01:52:56 +1100
cal <cal at graggrag.com> wrote:
> rosea grammostola wrote:
> > [ ... ]
> >>
> > Yoshimi is not usable for me as an instrument because of the many xruns.
> If you're using 0.051, then yes, what you're describing is possible. There's
> a little story that might help explain that at https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=4B517CD1.4090205%40graggrag.com&forum_name=yoshimi-user
> I think Will was smart enough to not use 0.051, and I think his description
> fits the earlier versions and the general experience of other users.
> I've actually put up an 0.053-pre1 tarball on graggrag.com, and I'm starting
> to get some confidence in it.
> cheers, Cal
Good news and bad news :?
Recording now works very nicely :D
0.053 is somehow corrupting the .yoshimiXML.cfg file. It fails to read
it (using the default settings), then if I try an earlier version that
can no longer read it either :(
I solved the problem partially by copying across the Zyn. one then
making it read-only, so the older versions of yoshi are safe, but the
latest one still can't read the file.
.xmz parameter files seem to load without problems.
Will J Godfrey
Say you have a poem and I have a tune.
Exchange them and we can both have a poem, a tune, and a song.
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