[LAU] jack2 set to realtime / soft mode, normal kernel ?

Harry Van Haaren harryhaaren at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 23:35:39 UTC 2010

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 12:18 AM, david <gnome at hawaii.rr.com> wrote:

> Of course, you don't have old hardware to deal with.

Your right, I've a 2 year old laptop, with PAE. (I think the Celeron were
the last chip to not have PAE..)

Thanks for bringing ArtistX to my attention, I'd only tried 0.7 a couple of
years back, and it was already
outdated then! But there's a new release, (0.8 :-0 ) which is based on
Ubuntu 10 (unlucky there...).
It seems pretty promising, Ill download it over the next days, and hopefully
its all good!

KXStudio is another intresting (Buntu based) distro... Its shipping with
LADISH, JACK2, ArdourVST, QTracktorVST etc
Really up to date, there's a PPA for Ardour3, Mixxx 1.8, etc
KX does focus on "visual appeal" as well as functionality. Ie: Its probably
not *the* fastest system to boot / login.
But it sure looks a lot more slick than my bare bones LXDE ;-)

Cheers, -Harry
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