[LAU] yoshimi + jack session
brummer- at web.de
Wed Oct 20 16:12:19 UTC 2010
Am Mittwoch, den 20.10.2010, 16:14 +1100 schrieb cal:
> We have a minor dilemma. I've basically taken yoshimi 0.058.1 and added Paul's
> Unison feature plus jack session support. Nothing too adventurous this time.
> That's currently known as 0.060-pre5.
> So far, there's just two people testing the jack session handling - it works for
> one, but not the other. I could really use a third tester to help establish if
> the problem still lies within yoshimi.
> <http://sourceforge.net/projects/yoshimi/files/experimentals/yoshimi-0.060-pre5.tar.bz2/download>
> cheers, Cal
> _______________________________________________
I checked it out with jack2 svn on debian/sid, but first I have to solve
a issue with the build. Yoshimi try to build a AMD 64 binary
( -march=athlon64 -m64) but I run a Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.60GHz
on 32 bit.
Anyway, After solved that (by edit CMakeCache.txt) I could build and
run yoshimi, save and load session with qjackctl (svn) including
connections. I noticed some time before on tests with my own project
that the install path must be in $path, so check if the one User for
witch it don't work have really install the new version or try to run it
from src. I that case he need to add the path/to/yoshimi to the
command-line in session.xml to make it work.
regards hermann
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