[LAU] MIDI note input by rhythm?

Tim Goetze tim at quitte.de
Sun Jan 13 23:50:00 UTC 2013

[Angel de Vicente]
>Is there any MIDI editor that would let me do something like this? If
>not, do you think it could be easily implemented? If so, I could perhaps
>contribute with some programming, but I would need some pointers as to
>where to start (I have never done any music/MIDI programming, though I
>have plenty of experience programming in other fields).

I don't know of a MIDI sequencer that offers this (not that I know
many to begin with) but I think it's a really neat idea for tackling
the old problem of "how can I reliably input stuff way beyond my
pianistic abilities and still have it played with a human quality".

To get a quick working prototype, you could use the system commands
arecordmidi and aplaymidi to get the data and use a high-level
language like python with a MIDI file reader/writer module to process.
Since you're only interested in relative timing, it's not a big
problem if you can't get the record and playback clocks to be in
perfect sync when you want to record over the track playing.

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