[LAU] Generating click tracks
Ede Wolf
listac at nebelschwaden.de
Wed Nov 19 07:03:18 UTC 2014
Well, I suppose, or rather I hope, that a precalculated or generated (as
in opposite to live recorded) audio track will be rather perfectly in
time. And from my limited experience audio playback is more stable than
Am 18.11.2014 um 22:55 schrieb Brett McCoy:
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Ede Wolf <listac at nebelschwaden.de
> <mailto:listac at nebelschwaden.de>> wrote:
> Thanks for all replies, I did not know about klick, I'll try to get
> that running, sounds promising. And maybe investigate into clicktrack.
> Hydrogen is, I would guess, liable to the instability of the
> internal clock, and more a realtime recording than a (fast)
> creation, but latter would not be a real hinderance.
> SuperCollider seems a bit to advanced in usage for me, but I now
> have something to start with
> I think any solution you come up with is going to be dependent on some
> kind of clock to generate the correct tempo and meter.
> --
> Brett W. McCoy -- http://www.brettwmccoy.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it, it
> would overturn the world."
> -- Jelaleddin Rumi
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