[LAU] Generating click tracks
Ken Restivo
ken at restivo.org
Wed Nov 19 17:25:14 UTC 2014
klick was my mainstay for years. It has some neat features too.
On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 10:22:15PM +0100, Ede Wolf wrote:
> Thanks for all replies, I did not know about klick, I'll try to get
> that running, sounds promising. And maybe investigate into
> clicktrack.
> Hydrogen is, I would guess, liable to the instability of the
> internal clock, and more a realtime recording than a (fast)
> creation, but latter would not be a real hinderance.
> SuperCollider seems a bit to advanced in usage for me, but I now
> have something to start with
> Thanks!
> Am 18.11.2014 um 21:29 schrieb F. Silvain:
> >Ede Wolf, Nov 18 2014:
> >
> >>Hi,
> >>
> >>I am wondering, wether there is a way to create click tracks. Audacity
> >>is quite limited, as it only creates quarter note clicks, while the
> >>upper tempo setting is limited, so f.e. you cannot create 16th for
> >>120BPM by means of scaling up the BPM.
> >klick is a stand alone JACK client, which also sets the JACK tempo, VERY
> >accurately from the audio clock/crystal. It also offers emphasized beats.
> >There are LADSPA plugins, e.g. the Clicktrack from Tim Goetze's CAPS
> >suite. You can also combine oscillator plugins (sine or noise for sound
> >and pulse for the timed gating).
> >There's a simple JACK metronome coming with the JACK server, never tried
> >it though.
> >If you need anything really specific you can generate it with the
> >synthesis language of your choice. Many of those offer time resolution
> >in seconds or beats (csound, SuperCollider...).
> >>
> >>Also, there are no triple notes, swing eighth or syncopated options
> >>available, though I am afraid, those will be rather seldom, if
> >>availble at all.
> >>
> >>Are there any alternatives, that are at least a little more flexible
> >>than audacity?
> >>
> >>I am not talking about recording a plugin, like a softsynth, which is
> >>liable to the internal (midi) clock oscillation, but generating an
> >>audio track with really accurate clicks
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> >
> >Ta-ta
> >----
> >Ffanci
> >* Internet: http://freeshell.de/~silvain
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