[LAU] Behringer and Linux

Fons Adriaensen fons at linuxaudio.org
Wed Apr 1 19:31:00 UTC 2015

On Wed, Apr 01, 2015 at 10:25:16AM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> The power supply of the ADA8000 gets too hot to mount it in a rack.

:-) Memories. I was once present at a recording session in an anechoic
room with some of the guys from Parma Univ. They had a small rack with
four of those stacked on top each other and just some space below and
above that cluster. After half an hour they were to hot to touch and
the smell was quit clear. They didn't fail then, but three of them did
the next time they were powered.

I had eight of them at the CdM, and over the years six of them failed,
in all cases the power supply.

But mind you, the same problem exists with some RME gear which also
uses cheap $5 chinese PSUs even if the unit costs 2k Euro.



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