[LAU] taking the hint lol, remains keyboard ideas anyone?

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sun Aug 30 20:42:04 UTC 2015

On Sun, 30 Aug 2015, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> I do not play on stage, or not yet.  Instead my goal with this keyboard or 
> workstation is to generate the parts,  piano, base, guitar, even drums?, and

My first question is what kind of feel do you like? weighted keys are 
probably needed for percusive instruments like piano, but for strings, 
organ, and such... maybe not. Personally, as a non-piano player, I prefer 
semi-weighted and use an old DX7. Anyone used to an acoustic piano will 
want/demand a fully weighted keyboard. Someone who has started on a B3 for 
example may not. Also many piano players feel they must have 88 keys. 
Again this is a personal call. Other people who do note at a time composition 
find a two octave mini-keyboard fits their style just fine, some even just 
use their computer keyboard running a virtual midi keyboard in software.

In general, unweighted keyboards are not velocity sensitive, but 
semi/fully weighted are. Some chart creation sw is able to change velocity 
into meaningful notation.

As a bass/guitar player, I find it hard to emulate my playing on a 
keyboard. For composing that may not be an issue.

Len Ovens

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