[LAU] NEWBIE needs help: Multi-buffering

Paul Davis paul at linuxaudiosystems.com
Sun Jun 21 16:55:35 UTC 2015

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 7:35 AM, Bill Gribble <grib at billgribble.com> wrote:

> Basically all audio processing in Linux is done on a buffer-by-buffer
> basis with a several-buffer queue.  You need to do nothing to get that,
> it's just the way the underlying system works.

s/Linux/all general purpose operating systems, all plugin APIs, most well
known audio I/O APIs/

basically, EVERYTHING works this way. You get a buffer's worth of
data/space to read/write while the other buffer is being recorded/played.
You get told to work with a buffer, you don't get to decide when.

ALSA and JACK add an additional wrinkle that it is possible to configure
for more than 2 buffers, but in general, with a well designed audio
interface and reasonably sensible motherboards, there's never a
particularly good reason for d
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