[LAU] [LAD] Return with us now to those thrilling days !

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Fri Mar 27 17:29:08 UTC 2015

On Fri, 27 Mar 2015, Dale Kazakore Powell wrote:

> On 26/03/15 22:46, Len Ovens wrote:
>> Somewhere around 95 I switched my BBS to Linux from OS/2 so I could add 
>> networking and email (I think the BBS died pretty soon after that). I 
>> looked at audio SW, but it would be 2005 before I had the hardware that 
>> could run Audio for anything but desktop use. Tape and the Atari Mega2 were 
>> what I used for music.
> It almost saddens me you guys talk about this as is if it is is Linux 
> specific!


> So please don't think only linux audio sucked in the late 90's!! (and 
> beyond.......)

Sorry to give that impression. The reason I was using an Atari was that 
there were no (including paid for) windows sequencers that could play any 
MIDI stream back in time. Also, Mac was way over my means and I had 
already given up on Windows and moved to OS/2 (way ahead of windows) even 
for simple stuff like handling two 2400Baud modems at a time... and 
crashing at least once every 24 hours. OS/2 I could leave running, go away 
for two weeks and come back to a running system. That was win 3.1, but as 
we have bought computers that came with win* on them we have tried every 
windows since (maybe not ME) and even my wife who feels windows would let 
her be more compatable with what others are doing, generally gives up on 
it in about two weeks.

So I didn't talk about windows or Mac because I had little or no 
experience with them. Though of course I could have been more to the point 
that the limitations were mostly HW.

Len Ovens

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