[LAU] Behringer and Linux

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Mon Mar 30 22:49:32 UTC 2015

On Mon, 30 Mar 2015, Paul Davis wrote:

>        then Ardour is a long way from using the whole of an MCP surface
>       anyway.
> ?? We support the entire protocol. I have an SSL Nucleus and Ardour can use every
> button and every knob and fader. What are you thinking of?

There is a lot of writing below, so in case you don't make it all the way 
through (thats ok BTW). I just want to say that I am not complaining 
either about the state of Ardour or the speed with which work is being 
done. I am delighted to have what I have and with what works that allows 
me to record and mix music. I am not suggesting in any way that any of 
these things are priority, which is why I have never complained about 
them. I have looked at the code in this area, but c++ and I don't seem to 
get along. I can't follow it that well, let alone create patches though I 
would like to. I would probably just waste people's time debugging my 
badly written code. I do c ok if it's simple.

Ok, I may be mistaken on some things. I don't seem to be able to get the 
SOLO off to work. The ones for each channel work fine, but by my notes 
90 5A 7F should turn off all SOLOs. It didn't seem to do anything. My 
thought was that it would do the same as the big flashing solo button on 
the Ardour transport pannel. The other thing that seems odd is that the 
"Logic Control User's Manual" says that when using the bank select, the 
last bank should include up to the last channel. So if there are 18 
channels, and a bank is 8 channels, there should be 1-8, 9-16 and 11-18. 
So far so good, then it says that banking backwards the banks should 
always start an even number of banks from the beginning. So 11-18, 9-16, 
and 1-8. What happens to me is that I have 11-16, 3-10 and 1-8. (actually 
I was using banks of 5, but the idea is the same) The other thing that 
does not do as I would expect is the channel sellect button does not make 
that channel selected on the mixer GUI (and the editor too for that 
matter) Also, even aside from a control surface I would think making a 
track selected (as from the edit window) should force the same track in 
the mix window to be visible (scroll right or left till that channel is in 
the visible part of the mixer window). I would even go so far as to 
suggest that it should at least be selectable that whatever bank is valid 
on the control surface should have all channels visible as well (if 
possible). The really important parts like fader moves, channel buttons 
and transports do work very well. It is enough for me to work with as I 
don't have all the buttons anyway. I don't have an LCD display (it's 

Now I may not have the latest version either 3.5.something (and it may 
have been older when I was testing these things). So some of these things 
may be fixed. Also some of the things I think make sense, may not really.

Note that all of the things I noted above are mouse clicks outside of the 
menuing system (solo lamp, selecting a track, moving the view point of the 
GUI) and most MIDI mappable things are from the menu list. KB short cuts 
can not be assigned to them either.

Speaking of selecting... (this is GUI related) An example here would make 
Channel one has an Eq plugin.(in this case) and the context menu will show 
me the available controls that I can have showing. Ok, now I select 
channel two. The mix strip has red around it and the editor window shows 
channel two as selected as well. now I right click in the plugin area of 
channel two and hover over the controls menu selection and I see the EQ 
controls from channel one still. Now I know there is no Eq plugin in 
channel two so I am ok, but if there was, I would assume I was looking at 
the eq for channel two and might adjust it which would be bad.

These are just a few quick things from top of my head just now. (the MIDI 
filtering for input MIDI either doesn't filter or doesn't do what I 
expect.. I tried to separate a MIDI stream into 16 tracks allowing one 
channel per track)

Len Ovens

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