[LAU] recommendations for output-only audio devices

bernard bernard at tressol.fr
Mon Dec 18 19:44:03 UTC 2017

This :


usb class compliant 8 audio out

Le 18/12/2017 à 17:46, Bill Purvis a écrit :
> I'm currently building a church organ, using the GrandOrgue program to 
> handle the software
> side of things. I'm looking for recommendations for a output device 
> which can handle 8 (or more)
> outputs. There is no requirement for audio inputs, but that shouldn't 
> rule out devices with
> inputs, they simply won't be used. Most of the discussions I've seen 
> on this list seem to be
> more geared to multiple inputs rather than outputs.
> I'm thinking in terms of a USB device, as most of the internal sound 
> cards seem to be
> limited to 5 outputs. Cost is a factor, but reasonable sound quality 
> is required.
> Anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bill

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